Friday, January 3, 2014

A Chicken in Several Disguises

How many meals can you make from one chicken?

Monday - I pulled a 6 1/2 pounder (One of the 18 we raised ourselves this summer) from our freezer. He made a delicious roast.

Tuesday - The chicken was boiled for two hours with some spices. I drained the broth and then picked the chicken, putting the meat and bones back in the fridge. I was left with 7 cups of tasty broth. Half was frozen and the other half became the base of a potato and ham soup.

Wednesday - Chicken stir-fry.

Thursday - The bones (after I cracked them) went into a pot with a bay leaf, onions, garlic, a carrot and some old tomatoes and celery I'd tucked away in the freezer and boiled away for hours on end to make about 4 cups of stock. A big portion of the chicken meat was made into a hot chicken sandwich for my husband's lunch.

Friday - I used the stock and leftover meat to make chicken noodle soup for the kids and I for supper.

So, counting the future soup I'll make with the broth in the freezer that's six meals. That's pretty darn good.

In retrospect I would have used the stock for the ham and potato soup and the broth for the chicken noodle soup but frankly, it was all tasty and I am pretty darn pleased with myself.

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